I felt pretty good running on the trail and finished my first loop then stopped for a Power Gel and some water. I completed another loop then ran a half mile out and back to complete my 10 mile run that I was sceduled for. My shins felt fine and are still feeling good today. I definitely think that the spin classes kept me in good shape during my time off from running! The hills on the trail weren't bad at all. I am glad to be back running!!
Wow - didn't realize you were in Northern Virginia. Used to golf and run at Burke Lake back in my high school days. Great path for running, and just the right distance for a loop around the water. Glad to see that you're able to get back to running!
Glad to hear you are back! Looks like a lovely trail. On the foam roller, the one I got had pictures of exercises included to work different muscles. It hurts like hell at first but it just helps to work out the kinks. I picked mine up after my second half marathon to roll out some ITB pain.
Great job on the run! Looks like a beautiful place to run.
So happy! and Jealous! I think Burke lake is what did me in with my hip. I'm hoping to get back there when I'm all better.
So glad your shins are feeling good. Burke Lake is such a pretty run - and shady! Great job!
So happy! and Jealous! I think Burke lake is what did me in with my hip. I'm hoping to get back there when I'm all better.
So glad your shins are feeling good. Burke Lake is such a pretty run - and shady! Great job!
Super jealous. I may have to print the photo out and stick it in front of my treadmill. ;)
Great photo! I'm amazed that you did a long run after being out injured.
lovely place for a run! There is a nature center near me that I must go to now for a run, now that I read your post!
I like it. I never thought of doing a "reward" run. Very cool. Hope your injury recovery goes smooth.
Nice job on your ten mile run! You sure do have a beautiful trail that you get to run on:)
Looks like a beautiful, serene place to run.
Welcome back to running. It makes me more assured to know that I'm not the only one with probable-injuries and that taking a little rest sometimes actually help prevent minor discomfort from turning into serious injuries.
Hello, lovely lady! You are the wonderful giveaway winner of the Nathan 4-speed fuel belt!! Send me an email at laurenpt AT gmail DOT com with your address and what size you'd prefer! I'll pass the info on to my Nathan contact!
Thanks for becoming a follower of my blog! :D
Looks beautiful!
what a fantastic idea!! i love running, but sometimes those first runs back are difficult so why not take in some nature
Thanks for entering my giveaway. What lovely scenery you have to run by!
I've recently started running! I hurt my knee, so was out of sorts for a month. I'm back at it and plan to run my first 5K at the end of the month. Woot!
So nice to meet another sister in the Lord. Don't you love in courage! Found you over there. I'm now following your blog.
I blog over at Ordinary Inspirations. http://www.ordinaryinspirations.blogspot.com
It is really great to connect with you!
That is SO beautiful! It doesn't even look real!
I would love to start running. In my mind I'm a runner... in my body, I'm more like a snail with a walker ;)
Following your blog and looking forward to more posts!
~ melscoffeebreak.blogspot.com ~
Wow - jealousy is my middle name. I need a lake like that to run around.
i used to love running at burke lake! glad to hear you had a fantastic run! :)
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