2. I want to do more strength training - I need to be more consistent with my core workouts and I want to add some weight lifting too. I try to do my core workouts at least 3 times a week. During the time I set aside for core workouts I'd like to maybe get some weights and work on my triceps and biceps. Another thought I had was to start using the rowing machine at the gym. I think that would probably be a good workout and would work a lot of different muscle groups. I need to do a bit of research on that and see how to get started.
3. I'd like to lose some weight - I've been eating healthier and I feel good. I don't think I have much weight to lose really. I think it's more of a matter of feeling fit and being toned. Maybe once I incorporate all the other things I've listed above (along with my biking almost 4 or 5 times a week) any extra weight I have will come off. Recently I have been hearing about the new book that's out by Matt Fitzgerald called Racing Weight: How to Get Lean for Peak Performance. It's sounds interesting, I might pick up a copy of the book.
Have you ever experienced shin splints even when you weren't running a lot?
Have you ever tried using the rowing machine? How did you start and was it a good workout?
Have you read Racing Weight? What did you think of it?
There was a table in Runner’s World awhile back that illustrated how much faster you could be if you lost weight. Of course, this would not take into account speed increases due to training.
According to RW author Amby Burfoot, the table is based on research that runners, on average get 2 seconds per mile faster for every pound they lose.

love the list.
to be honest ... i read Racing Weight and I must be lazy. just seemed like so much work - so many steps --- I gave the book to a neighbor. I'm such a loser.
I get shin splints like that too. I wont have them for a while then I'll get them for a run or two. They'll go away for a few weeks then come back. I can't tell what I'm doing/not doing that's making them come and go.
I used to have shin splints ALL the time. It was totally due to tight calves (they're massive...seriously...). They went away with weight loss and streching so you may be on the right track??
I bought a Pro Stretch and it helps a ton with my calves.
I bought a Pro Stretch and it helps a ton with my calves.
I have to answer no to all your questions. I've been very lucky with injuries. I really hope you can get this sorted out. Have a good weekend!
I read Racing Weight, its a dry read, but it is packed with useful information, I thought I was eating right, till I read that and found out, not so much, its worth reading, if you can stay awake reading it
I used to get shin splints all the time...I was told I was taking too big a stride. However, I don't run anymore so it's not an issue! I love strength training. The weight didn't start coming off until I started using weights! I know you don't burn many calories during weights, but you rev your metabolism a lot when you lift weights! I use the program ChaLEAN Extreme from Beachbody and I love it. I'm even in their infomercial for it because I've had such great results!
I feel like I'm telling everyone this lately, I run on my toes and get shin splints often. Stretching my calves are very important and helps ALOT! I use this on my legs at night to stretch the calves out:
http://www.roadrunnersports.com/rrs/products/PRO012/ Hope you get it fixed soon! I have never read racing weight. :)
I really enjoyed my kettlebell workout. If you get one, you should get Jillian Michael's Shred It with Weights. It's only about $10 on amazon. It was such a good workout. And it went by super fast!
That is so awesome your picky eaters loved your Green Monster! I love it that my boys want some when I make it. They are too little for their one, but someday I'll make them one just for them. :)
Yay for all healthy people at your place!!!
Just needed to tell you "yay" on that!! These days that is no small feat!!! ;)
I used to get shin pain, but I do this exercise every day, just stand in place, and raise up on your toes, then down again. I do it 100 times, then stretch my calves.
Interesting post. I had other kind of problems and the solution was (is) more stretching and cross training: running and swimming.
Moreover I am lucky because here we have wonderful ancient thermal baths with "magic" water.
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