Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Trip to the Beach

Last weekend Mike took the two older boys on a camping trip to Virginia Beach while Will and I had a little one on one time. They boys all had a great time! The beach is a great place, especially for boys, because they can get as messy as they want and then jump in the water. Mike said they had lots of fun playing on the beach and running from the water, I guess it is still pretty cold there since it's only March. The weather was beautiful that weekend.
Charlie found a grasshopper at the camp site.
Mike said it was a little chaotic at first while he was trying to put up the tent because he had to keep an eye on James & Charlie at the same time. I think eventually he said he put James in the van to watch a movie so he could finish putting up the tent, but he didn't strap him in. When Mike went back to the van he said it smelled like seasoning because James had found the steak seasoning and dumped it all on the floor of the van.

Later that night James got in the cooler and broke all the eggs! I swear, you can not take your eyes off that kid for a minute!!


Carrie Cooper said...

Carrie @

I stumbled across your blog--your pics and kids are precious! There is always one kiddo in the bunch thats the trouble maker! lol! my youngest child tends to be the attention grabber so ive learned to keep my eyes on her at all times. Cute post!

Laura@OutnumberedMom said...

What a great idea -- Daddy time for the big boys and Mommy time for the little one.

It's easy for the little guy to get overlooked sometimes with all that's going on with the older boys. I'm sure it was a memory-making weekend all around.

Take care!