(1:00 CRUISING with 3x10 min. STEADY 5 min. RBI then 5x30 sec. MAX 1 min. RBI)
2. I am so tired of looking at laundry and doing laundry...I wish I wasn't even thinking of laundry.
3. Why do some people feel it necessary to talk on their cell phones in the bathroom at their place of employment? (or any public restroom for that matter) It's not like it's ever an emergency...they are just chit chatting. I think it's strange.
Speaking of strange, I will leave you with the image of the masked boy found in my home.

and I'm so with you on the cell phone peeing thing. yuck.
laundry...never ending. ;) I hear ya. I think people just relate the bathroom with a break and so they can pee, take care of a few phone calls...you know...multitask. ;)
I totally agree with you about the potty talking....it is just weird! LOVE American Idol!
haha Cute pic!
Laundry. ugh!
Love that mask!
Just gross...peeing and talking on the phone!
Little boys and masks, is there anything more fun?
Eeewww...talking on the cell phone in the bathroom? Gross.
Hilarious mask! Oddly I don't mind laundry. It's the constant piles of junk that amass on my kitchen counters that drive me nuts.
so with you on the laundry. it is never ending. as far as the bathroom and phone goes....GROSS! Who does that?
laundry is never-ending...and i'm just one person!
people have gone overboard w/the use of cell phones! i hate it!
your little boy is super cute!
1. Your endurance...amazing!
2. the horror...the horror...
3. HA! I work in a tiny office and I share a wall with the men's room and the guy in the office down the hall ALWAYS talks on his phone while he's in there.. It's beyond strange.
I have a ton of laundry waiting for me. Oh well, avoidance works for awhile!
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